Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What to do about the loose lower denture

Lower dentures are famous for being loose and difficult to retain in the mouth. Lower dentures are where most of the dental adhesives are used. If you have a lower denture that is loose and floppy, that lower denture may be able to be converted to a dental implant supported denture. Very often your existing denture can be used and a new denture does not have to be constructed. By the placement of as few as two implants in the jaw, snaps can be placed on the inside of your denture to allow you to snap your dentures in place. Imagine your denture just being clicked into place. No adhesives, no worry about a denture suddenly moving out of your mouth. Walk in, have the dental implants placed in about a forty minute procedure, wait a month, then readapt your denture to the dental implants in about one hour, and voila! In less than two hours you have a denture that is snapped in place.

Remember, we have a Charitable Giving Campaign, and that is for a donation of $50 to charity Drs. Sheldon and Amir and his staff can tell you whether you are a candidate for this efficient, comfortable, and cost-effective procedure. Procedures can also be done to allow your existing denture to be screwed in to dental implants so that it doesn’t move at all. Such a procedure, with the appropriate planning, could be done all in one day. Dr. Sheldon and Dr. Amir can place the implants and on the very same day your denture can be adapted to the dental implants and literally screwed in place. The dental implants are then allowed to heal in place and about four to six months later you will have a new, permanent, implant-supported prosthesis made.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Osstell Radiofrequency Analysis Device

We now have the Osstell Radiofrequency Analysis Device, a device which accurately tells us when your implants are ready for restoration. The Osstell Radiofrequency Analysis Device determines by sonic waves when your dental implant is firmly attached to the bone. It looks like an iPod. By placing a wand close to your dental implant, the Osstell sends out radiofrequency waves to the implant. The implant, itself, then vibrates very much like a tuning fork. The amount of vibration of the dental implant then is measured by the Osstell device and a numerical readout instantly shows up on the machine. The numbers on the readout accurately determine when your implant is ready for restoration. This will greatly speed up restoration, as within a matter of moments, we will know how firmly embedded your implant is to the bone. The Osstell technology, combined with our new Cone-Beam CT scan, brings the latest in technology to our office to improve predictability for you.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Please Pardon Our Dust!

In anticipation of Dr. Jamie Amir’s arrival on July 6th, and the arrival of our new dental Con-Beam CT scan, our office is undergoing rejuvenation. Here are all of the things that are going to occur over the next few months.
• One additional treatment room.
• One additional consultation room.
• A room for our new Cone-Beam CT scan.
• Complete dental laboratory
• Ostell radiofrequency analysis unit to predict the suitability of your bone for dental implants.
• Installation of BTI platelet derived growth factor system
New staff are being trained now to implement all these changes. The same old faces will be here, and there will new smiling faces to improve our delivery of the best dental implant and periodontal services that we can provide.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Welcome, Dr. Jamie Amir!

The office is making substantial changes in anticipation of welcoming our new associate, Dr. Jamie Amir. Dr. Amir just finished up his training at the University of Florida. He will come to us with a diverse and comprehensive background. His original training in dentistry was in England. He then came to the United States for all of his advanced dental training. Dr. Amir brings to us a two year residency in dental implants and a three year residency in periodontics. Five years of post-graduate education in the specialties that we deal in, plus four years of dental school training means nine years of post-graduate training. This is unique and very special in our field. Dr. Sheldon has had the opportunity of teaching Dr. Amir over the past three years and observing Dr. Amir’s work. We are thrilled to have Dr. Amir with us. Dr. Amir’s diverse training will allow us to open new services to our patients and to our referring doctors. Dr. Amir’s scheduled start date is July 6th.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Office Update!

We are happy to have a new addition to our staff. Michelle, our new sterilization technician, joined our team last week. Michelle is an experienced dental assistant who has additional schooling in dental hygiene. She says what she likes so far about our office is “everybody’s willingness to help each other out in a team environment.”

I am hosting another free dental implant lecture this Wednesday, March 18th at 1:00 p.m. This lecture is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about dental implants or Teeth-In-an-Hour. It lasts about an hour and we do provide a light lunch. If you would like to attend, please give us a call at (321) 259-9980.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Last Week's Lecture for General Dentists

I like to help out any way I can in the area of continuing education. We were pleased to have Larry Calton, from Calton Lab in Gainesville, here last week. He conducted a lecture for our local general dentists. The lecture was held here at my office. Our turnout was so fantastic that we will be having another one! I think everyone that attended gained some extremely useful knowledge and understanding from the lab standpoint.

Our first Teeth-In-An-Hour patient returned today for his regular check up. His procedure was completed four years ago. He said today that it was the best investment that he ever made. Bob is 81 years old, still works as a flight instructor, and is doing better than ever!

Dr. Lee Sheldon

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Weekly Update

This week has been busy! We were thrilled to have had the pleasure of company in the office. A senior periodontal resident from the University of Florida visited and observed our office this week.

Our implant seminar was held on Tuesday. We had a great turn-out and hope to see many more new faces for the next seminar, which will be on February 4th.

I am excited to announce that we will have another addition to the office! My lead surgical assistant, Nicole, is expecting the delivery of her 2nd child, a daughter, in early March. Stay tuned for her name.

Lee N. Sheldon, D.M.D.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you well and that you had a great holiday! I thought I’d update you with some things that have been going on in and out of the office.

We started our vacation with our annual staff holiday party which was held at Eleanor’s and my home. We all had dinner together, shared lots of laughs, and I made Bananas Foster for everyone! I spend so much time with my staff throughout the day and it is really nice to get to spend some time with their families as well.

I am proud to announce that our son, Matthew, got married on December 28th. We are so happy to have Jenifer added to our family!

I am conducting a Dental Implant seminar which is free to anyone who would like to attend. All we ask is that you bring a can of food to donate to our local food banks. We hold one every three weeks and this month’s seminar will be on Tuesday, January 13th at 1:00 p.m. A light lunch will be provided. The goal from the seminar is to help the attendees understand what dental implants are, what to expect from the procedure, and gives an opportunity for attendees to get any questions answered. I hope that if you have not attended a seminar and are interested in implants, I will see you there!

Best Wishes for an Excellent 2009!


Lee N. Sheldon, D.M.D.