Monday, August 29, 2011

Iodine is a Necessary Nutrient

I learn so much from my patients. And while the vast majority of my time is helping to rehabilitate very sick mouths, the fact is that a sick mouth can be an indicator of a sick body. So I was in a conversation about that very thing when a patient talked to me about iodized salt. And it was then that I knew my next column would be on iodine.

Iodine may help with baking. I’m a pretty good cook, but I don’t bake, so I can’t verify that. But I do know this: Iodine is added to table salt for health reasons. It was a government mandate in the 1920’s to add iodine to table salt because of a nationwide iodine deficiency that resulted in enlarged thyroid glands called “goiters.” People ate at home much more often, and salt had no stigma, was a commonly used condiment, and so was the best way for our government to help stop the goiter problem . And yes, the treatment of iodized table salt worked wonders to eliminate goiters.

Well, now we’ve forgotten the importance of iodine. Our use of iodized table salt decreased by 65% between 1971 and 1994 and it continues to drop. And what do you think is happening as a result? Goiters are increasing in the U.S.

You see, the thyroid gland acts as an iodine sponge, and when it doesn’t get enough iodine it gets sluggish and enlarges. And when your thyroid gets sluggish, so do you. Some of the problems associated with iodine deficiency include chronic fatigue, weight gain, low metabolism, bone loss, increased cholesterol levels, fat retention, depression, hair loss, intolerance to cold, enlarged thyroid, exhaustion, poor sex drive, poor circulation.

Other things have changed since the 1920’s. We’ve increased the amount of fluoride and chlorine in our water supplies. Both fluoride and chlorine are chemical antagonists to iodine. So we may need even more iodine now than we did then. And if you have some concerns about increased levels of radiation in our environment due to the recent Japanese nuclear disaster, one of the products of nuclear fission is radioactive iodine. Your thyroid doesn’t recognize the difference between a supplement of inorganic iodine and radioactive iodine. So if you’re iodine deficient, which many of us are, the thyroid will absorb what it can get. And radioactive iodine is not a healthy form of iodine.

At the minimum, I’d recommend buying iodized table salt and use it. Personally, I’m taking an iodine supplement. Make sure that it is the inorganic kind, the type that would be found as a supplement, not the kind that’s used as an antiseptic, which is poison.

And do some reading on the subject. Dr. Guy Abraham has made iodine his life’s work. You can find his material at

Monday, August 15, 2011

3 Good Reasons to see a Dentist BEFORE Cancer Treatment

You’ve received the news. You or a loved one needs to be treated for cancer. Now you go through the process of thinking about the treatment and the changes that you may need to make to be sure that the treatment is most effective. That may involve lifestyle and dietary improvements as well as the cancer treatment itself. One area that is often neglected but should be addressed early is the health of your mouth.

The National Institute of Health lists three reasons to see the dentist before cancer treatment.

  1. 1. You’ll feel better
  2. 2. You’ll help protect your teeth, gums, and bone.
  3. 3. You’ll prevent needless delays and complications that can occur if infections occur after cancer treatment.

In addition to surgery, the two primary treatments for cancer are radiation and chemotherapy. Let’s look at radiation first. Radiation to the head and neck area has two potential devastating side effects.

1. Radiation to the head and neck kills the salivary glands in its field producing a dry mouth. When the mouth is dry, it becomes acidic. And an acidic mouth becomes prone to dental decay. Therefore, all decay should be diagnosed and treated before radiation therapy. In addition, a preventive protocol that might include fluoride, xylitol (sugar that helps stop tooth decay), baking soda rinses, and artificial salivas might be prescribed to help prevent decay. Intensive home care can prevent decay and the potential of tooth loss. Tooth extraction after radiation can be devastating because…

2. Radiation to the head and neck reduces the blood supply to the bone and soft tissues. If an extraction is necessary after radiation, there are increased complications from infection as the blood supply to the area is compromised. It is much less risky to have a tooth extracted before radiation therapy than afterward.

Chemotherapy has a much more generalized effect as it usually permeates the entire body. Side effects include soreness or ulcerations of the soft tissue of your mouth, dry mouth, a burning, peeling, or swelling tongue, infection, and taste changes. Oral rinses that numb the mouth may help you get through this period.

If I were diagnosed with cancer, I would get to a dentist immediately. Your dentist and oncologist will communicate together to reduce your risk during treatment. If an extraction is necessary, get it done as soon as possible before chemotherapy or radiation as adequate healing time of the extraction site is necessary before beginning radiation or chemotherapy. And your dentist will get you on a protocol to help keep you as comfortable as possible and reduce future risk of dental disease. Even if you never did it before, this is the time to keep up regular dental visits where prevention is emphasized and early diagnosis could be critical. Dental examination and treatment is a step that should not be overlooked as part of overall cancer therapy.