Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Osstell Radiofrequency Analysis Device

We now have the Osstell Radiofrequency Analysis Device, a device which accurately tells us when your implants are ready for restoration. The Osstell Radiofrequency Analysis Device determines by sonic waves when your dental implant is firmly attached to the bone. It looks like an iPod. By placing a wand close to your dental implant, the Osstell sends out radiofrequency waves to the implant. The implant, itself, then vibrates very much like a tuning fork. The amount of vibration of the dental implant then is measured by the Osstell device and a numerical readout instantly shows up on the machine. The numbers on the readout accurately determine when your implant is ready for restoration. This will greatly speed up restoration, as within a matter of moments, we will know how firmly embedded your implant is to the bone. The Osstell technology, combined with our new Cone-Beam CT scan, brings the latest in technology to our office to improve predictability for you.